January 7, 2015
Linux DDoS Trojan hiding itself with an embedded rootkit
Linux DDoS Trojan hiding itself with an embedded rootkit: At the end of September 2014, a new threat for the Linux operating system dubbed XOR.DDoS forming a botnet for distributed denial-of-service attacks was reported by the MalwareMustDie! group. The post mentioned the initial intrusion of SSH connection, static properties of related Linux executable and encryption methods […]
January 7, 2015
Concern over personal info database for every primary student
Concern over personal info database for every primary student: Under the plan, all children’s PPS numbers along with details of their religion and ethnic backgrounds will be included on the database, which the Department said will be used to develop education policy into the future. Parents of all primary school children are being sent letters […]
January 7, 2015
New Variant of Emotet Banking Malware targets German Users
New Variant of Emotet Banking Malware targets German Users: A new Spam email campaign making the rounds in Germany are delivering a new variant of a powerful banking malware, a financial threat designed to steal users’ online banking credentials, according to security researchers from Microsoft. The malware, identified as Emotet, was first spotted last June […]
January 7, 2015
AOL Advertising Network Abused to Distribute Malware
AOL Advertising Network Abused to Distribute Malware: Security researchers have uncovered a malvertising campaign used to distribute malware to visitors of The Huffington Post website, as well as several other sites, through malicious advertisements served over the AOL advertising network. At the end of last year, Cyphort Labs, security firm specialized in detecting malware threats, came across […]
January 7, 2015
Bitcoin «europei», congelati anche i conti italiani
Bitcoin «europei», congelati anche i conti italiani: Nuovi problemi per il «contante di Internet». Da 48 ore chi ha dei bitcoin in un conto della piattaforma europea Bitstamp, usata anche dagli italiani, non può ritirarli o venderli. I fatti: il 4 gennaio un hacker ha rubato 5 milioni di dollari in bitcoin da uno dei […]
January 5, 2015
Google Researcher Reveals Zero-Day Windows 8.1 Vulnerability
Google Researcher Reveals Zero-Day Windows 8.1 Vulnerability: A Google security researcher, ‘James Forshaw’ has discovered a privilege escalation vulnerability in Windows 8.1 that could allow a hacker to modify contents or even to take over victims’ computers completely, leaving millions of users vulnerable. The researcher also provided a Proof of Concept (PoC) program for the […]
January 5, 2015
Sony Debacle Puts Companies on Offensive
Sony Debacle Puts Companies on Offensive: When news surfaced that Sony’s networks had been breached by hackers days before Thanksgiving, an internal corporate crisis quickly escalated into a media frenzy that shuttered theaters out of fear of further, less digital, attacks. With federal officials slow to intervene, U.S. companies were quick to take note of […]
September 16, 2014
@wikileaks FinFisher Spending Review
An Analisys of FinFisher Customers, a surveillance software marketed by Lench IT solutions PLC with a UK-based branch Gamma International Ltd in Andover, England, and a Germany-based branch Gamma International GmbH in Munich, which markets the spyware through law enforcement channels. @wikileaks FinFisher Spending Review https://t.co/NE6KOPeMvv @isgroupsrl — ISGroup (@isgroupsrl) September 16, 2014
July 1, 2014
Microsoft says it *will* email out security advisories after all
Microsoft says it *will* email out security advisories after all: The general consensus was that newly introduced Canadian anti-spam legislation was to blame for the decision, but I and others did raise a concern that Microsoft may have made its decision with too much haste – and that its activities were probably exempted from the […]
July 1, 2014
ISIS Opponents Take Aim at Its Online Presence
ISIS Opponents Take Aim at Its Online Presence: The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria has taken to Twitter to spread its message, trumpet bloody successes, and recruit potential jihadists, but its social-media campaign has come under attack from forces that range from the U.S. State Department to the mysterious group of hacker-activists who call […]